More than 100 new MPS contracts signed during 2015

During the first eight months of 2015, Pulsar has helped its partners add more than 100 new end user MPS contracts.

Pulsar growth in helping its partners develop their MPS business continues at a steady, fast rate during the first eight months of 2015. A total of 102 new MPS contracts have been signed by the end of August. These contracts, ranging from as low as 1 machine to several dozens within the same customer, are full MPS printing outsourcing contracts.

Our partners use Pulsar from quoting and pricing to monitoring, printers´ installation, software installation, customer training, all the way to invoicing per click or page, color or b&w. Our technology and processes guarantee our partners the transition from a transactional business model to a MPS service business model. The recurrence of revenues, and the long term relationship building with their customers are strong factors favoring MPS engagements.

Pulsar complements partners with those aspects of the MPS business they are not familiar with, in a pure multivendor concept. End user customers are demanding more and more MPS as the preferred engagement model with their traditional suppliers.

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