Partnership agreement with Rex Rotary

Since the final months of 2013, Rex Rotary and Pulsar Technologies have signed a Partnership Agreement on MPS printing services. The Agreement is starting to get market acceptance with the first customers that enjoy both Rex Rotary technology and automated services from Pulsar.

Rex Rotary is a cost per page and service orientated company. The company can offer special prices, exceptional technical assistance and special conditions, allowing us to meet the needs of the customers. Both companies believe that they can take advantage of each other´s strengths and knowledge to meet the customers’ needs better than ever before.

Pulsar has been really satisfied with the Agreement, and with the possibility to expand their portfolio even more. Thanks to the Agreement Pulsar Technologies can offer an extra wide range of devices to existing and new customers, now also including devices belonging to the Ricoh Group. By offering an expanded portfolio in combination with high service quality, the list of potential clients increases drastically!

The first customer agreements have been signed, and both companies are fully convinced the Partnership Agreement will bring success to them and their distribution partners.

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