Substantial increase during 2011 in the number of printers monitored

During the past year 2011 Pulsar Technologies has increased 17% the total number of printing devices of any kind directly monitored.

The fleet of  printers, multifunctionals, and printing devices of any kind directly managed by Pulsar Technologies has grown to more than 5.400 units at the end of 2011. It compares with less than 5.000 devices at  the beginning of the same year, showing the wide acceptance in the market of the MPS and monitoring solutions that Pulsar has developed.

The graph below shows the growing trend in printing devices directly managed by Pulsar:

Printers Monitored

During the current year 2012 Pulsar believes we will maintain the growth rate despite the adverse economic environment, as a reflection of the general acceptance of pay per page solutions and outsourcing trends in printing (MPS).

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